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What box is this?
A new box appear on my desk in the office today. I wonder what it might be. So many product that I've never seen on it. Will that be...
HAO new stock
The one true Light Weight Stock which you don't need to modify it to make cable through with your PTW hands. Long may she reign!
SMR's screw
To some who have accidentally lost their screw of HAO SMR. Here is the reparation pack for you guys. SMR ROCK!
416 assemble
Here is a video of Norwegian army training to assemble their HK416N. How fast can you do that with your HAO 416?...
CAG 416
Just received our first customer feedback with crazy thumb up which we'v finally completed his CAG style 416 with the sweetest SFCT...
One arm army
Sharing with HAO's BD556 KWA GBBR in action. See our fearsome operator "One-Armed Swordsman" charging toward the enemies with its...
HLR looking nice
We just updated the portrait of HLR M-Lok free float rail with its little brother in the family -9.7" RS spec, light, easy handling Rail :
It's new, it's hot' it's rare. It's HAO's SFCT! New Birdcage style SF flash hider perfectly fit SOCOM can
G33 protector
Well, I know you guys are rich, but life is just like a box of chocolate you never know what kind of BB will penetrate your G33 magnifier...
416 is coming
Winter is coming, so do our 416V2. With a brand new standard Birdcage Flash hider. Our kit have reach the highest rank of PTW Conversion...
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